I was going to post one or two more book/reading post that I’m sure you’re tired of by now.
So since today is a special day you'll be spared.
Today at in 1987 the most amazing thing happened. David and I welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world. Wow where did the years go? Of course this also means I get a year older too 3 days later. Now that thought is just down right scary.
I remember the day Pamela was born like it was yesterday. Every Monday morning for 4 weeks I had been going to the hospital at so they could induce labor to perform the stress test to make sure the baby was okay. Pamela was just as stubborn then as she is now. She was snug as a bug and she wasn’t coming out.
That fourth Monday morning they told us today is the day. YAHOO!
Things were going slow and David was getting tired sitting there and discussing names. I sent David to lunch with a friend who stopped by and before he got back from lunch the contractions were coming about every minute but I wasn’t dilating so the doctor said they’d start prepping me for a c-section. That’s when I let them give me some drugs to to take the edge off the contractions. Well let me tell you I was flying high after I got the drugs. Crazy!
I was lying in bed but my body felt like it was floating around the room. When the anesthesiologist came in to tell me the side effects of anesthesia and the different options, all I could do was giggle. I kept thinking Okay like I’m 91/2 months pregnant and you're telling me all these side effects could happen if I have any of the 3 methods of anesthisiat, Right? So what's your point I don't think I want to carry a baby in me forever.
Finally the moment came and the doctors announced we had a baby girl. Laying there it hits me “OH Shit” I’m a mom. A little late for this thought but what can I say. So will I be a good mom or will I know what to do or not do?
David and I must have done okay… we survived and she has survived.
Now of course there were tears, arguing, yelling,the usually I don’t like you, you’re mean, and the look that says parents are so stupid.
I used to always tell her it was my job to make her life miserable and ask how I am I doing?
Pamela has b
een our pride and joy. She got that treasured Aggie Ring and in May 2010 Oh Happy Days she got that Texas A&M Degree a

BS in Health. We thought Yippee Pay Raise right ? Laugh is on us ...she tells us she's going to Nursing School.
Story to continue at a later date.
Story to continue at a later date.
Happy 24th Birthday to our beautiful daughter
Until the next post..........
One tiny hand to guide and hold,
One tiny life to shape and mold;
each child, a gift from God above,
a symbol of His strength and love
One tiny life to shape and mold;
each child, a gift from God above,
a symbol of His strength and love
¨))-:¦:-¸.·´ .·´¨¨))-:¦:-
((¸¸.·´ Carla..·´-:¦:-
((¸¸.·´ Carla..·´-:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.· -:¦:-
no fair making us teary!
Beautiful! You AND Pam!!
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