Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It's All Over and We're on Veg Mode

 We finished cleaning up the wedding venue, packed and pulled out for home at 11:20pm. You know how it is when you're on an adrenaline rush and then you crash? That's what it felt like driving away from the venue. I was happy and then almost sad thinking 'oh shit' my daughter is married. Why that came to mind no clue seeing how these two had been living together for over a year but now they're stuck with each other. LOL They'll fuss and fight like the rest of us, make up and repeat.   

Sorry had to throw in another picture from the wedding. 

Right before we pulled out someone from the venue came up to me and said what about these metal vases down at the seating area.  What?! Oh crap.  And I laughed because those were supposed to haven been brought inside and set up in front of the sweetheart table and somewhere else.  Too late now. I texted Karina to let her know I had 6 more vases that needed to be dropped off at the florist. I was just pulling into Navasota and she came back to say she lived just down the road and to bring them on by. What a life saver! I was thinking I was gonna have to drive into Anderson Monday to get them returned but instead I was able to drop them at Karina's and she would drop them off with everything else. Her sweet husband came and got them out of the car. David and Sheryl were in David's car following me.  Okay now we could head home.  We made it by 1 am and left everything in the car and went to bed.

Sunday (1/19) we woke up and just vegged for a while, then Sheryl helped us unload the cars. Then she headed on down the road to her home. David needed to return the tuxes and his suit so we headed into Bryan. We also took in all the wedding presents to drop off at Kaleb and Pamela's house. While driving in I got a call from the Venue and somehow the Marriage License got left behind. Still not sure how that happened. So David and I said we'd be there in a couple hours. The Newlyweds called and I told them about the Marriage License and they said they'd go get it.  

Yay! saved us a trip. Now I think I brushed my teeth that morning but not sure since I obviously didn't get my face washed completely. The eyes are still made up.  I probably looked like the happy hooker so made up. Okay so maybe not that bad but hair was still 90% up too.  Couldn't wait to get home and shower. But we took care of our errands.
Pamela sent a few pictures back to me while they were honeymooning in Mexico. It was a little chilly the first couple of days and cloudy.  It was funny today talking with a friend when about Pamela and Kaleb... I go my daughter's husband. Oh Wow! That was so crazy saying that.  She has a husband. LOL
Since weather wasn't cooperating she did some painting and made herself a spoon rest and then she made me one with hot pink. It's already by the stove top. Nice job!
They joined a couple of their friends (Phil & Hannah) already in Mexico and in a couple days 2 more friends were going to join them for some fun in the sun. finally.
While they were off having fun David and I recovered. We haven't really felt like doing much of anything. I didn't touch my sewing but I did get going on organizing my quilt retreat coming up in March. Other than that we both primarily 
just vegged out. LOL
While in Mexico Pamela became a photographer. She did a good job. Hannah is pregnant and wanted some pictures taken. Couldn't ask for a more beautiful back drop. Hannah had the poses and all Pamela had to do is snap away.  Nice job ladies and Phil Too.

We watched the grand pup Bri while the newlyweds were gone. We took her home Wednesday 1/29 on the way into Bryan for my heart cath. Bri was one tired dog. Even Bruno and Sadie were tired. Once they stopped they all just slept away. Bri is usually antsy in the backseat but she just laid down and was calm all the way in.
And Yeah, I said I was going in for a heart cath. Back on New Years Eve I had done the nuclear stress test and it showed a couple questionable areas so the doctor said lets make sure it's nothing and YAHOO it was nothing. For now I have an all clear should I need any surgeries which I don't, thank goodness.
We didn't get home until almost 3pm. A whole day gone. As we pulled into the driveway I looked over and saw our first calf of 2025. It was born not long before we arrived. The little thing is still wet. 
Not sure but we think it's a boy. So I said we should name it Angelo playing since I had an Angiogram....
A couple days later I tried to get a picture of it running and playing. This little guy is very active and Momma is always running after it trying to keep it away from the rest. She's protective. Instead it tried to hide behind a dormant crepe myrtle.  It's like "Gee Mom do you think they can see me behind this bush?"  LOL. Momma says: Yes dear I think they can. David thinks maybe we should name him Forest Gump since he likes to run so much.
Now Jerry didn't want the new calf to get all the attention so he came up for his share. It was time for his photo opt.
While I don't have any surgeries planned, the new bride did. On Wednesday 2/5 Pamela had to have her gallbladder out.  She'd been having some issues and they said it needed to come out. That was her first surgery ever and she wasn't impressed. Who is?  She's finally starting to feel normal again. I'm sure Kaleb is happy for that too.
Well that's it for now. 
Until next post..."Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier." ~ Kathleen Norris


Chatty Crone said...

Well, all this is new to me as a first-time visitor. But my husband just got his gall bladder out after three rounds of pancreatitis which is way worse. So good for her. Beautiful bride.

Donna said...

I was glad my daughter married but Not so happy when they moved to Magnolia in Texas. Almost 3 hours away from us...we were SO Not so much...sadly.

donna said...

I am sew happy the kids had a great time. Y’all needed to relax and give the roads a break. lol!!!! Pammie was a beautiful bride and they make a beautiful couple. That = beautiful babies. Sew glad your surgery showed everything is ok girl. Girl we need to put you in a bubble.
Love you

Anonymous said...

I want to see wedding pics where can I go to do that?