And Pamela went to Las Vegas that weekend for long time friends
girls weekend before she gets married. L-R My daughter, Christine, Marlaina Bride to Be and Diana the mother of the bride. What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas. LOL

but I still wanted to see
some of the more traditional quilts.

My favorite display was the cow theme Play on the word

I did run across a guild member quilts hanging in the show. Three Cheers for Lyndy Spenser. How awesome is that?

If you want to see all my pictures from the day you can click here.
Now for more fun I became a Bossy Pushy Organizer of a Quilt Retreat of my own. I went to my first retreat last year and I loved it and I wanted to go on another one so I decided to organize one of my own. I sent out an email to many many folks to see if anyone would go with me and finally got my minimum number to go. The retreat was Monday through Wednesday but everyone decided to take advantage of an early
check in at Retreats by Margie in LaGrange for a small fee and drove up on Sunday. Some of us took in the Texas Quilt Museum where each quarter they feature a different type of quilt. This quarter it was Star Quilts. Then we went next door to the Quilted Skein where we found lots of bright and colorful fabric. Imagine right? And one wall was full of every color and type of yarn a knitter could dream of. I'm not a knitter but I was in awe of all the yarn. By going up on Sunday it gave us extra time to set up before the retreat actually began.
Once everyone had arrived the girls corned me and hand me this bag.

No one wasted any time getting to work on an unfinished projects.That's why we came right? Tuesday night some of us were having such a good time we were up until 2am quilting and laughing.
One thing I didn't do and meant too was have everyone introduce themselves and
- tell something about themselves
- and how they knew me and for how long
Of all the girls Denise is the one I've know for 21 years, and have been in a book club with 16 1/2 of those years. She is the one who helped me get started in quilting. Her mom Dolores came and helped Denise by sewing the binding on a quilt and some cutting for a Christmas stocking.
At the Guild Quilt retreat last year I met Janet, Cindy and Judy. They belong to the guild but with 300 members and me usually running around taking pictures I might not have ever met them. Janet also blogs where she shows off her many talents. Go check her out by clicking here.
Deborah is quilter/fabric artist. I know there's a better description but I'm drawing a blank. She dyes her own fabric. I met her at the Quilt guild and eventually by accident became her neighbor.
Pat worked with me at the Middle school I worked at then she moved over to our central office, retired and I got lucky enough to take her job. She is also in the guild and we went to the same quilting bee.
Donna V. - I met her at the quilt guild and found out she actually works right down the hall from me in the district. And we've been friends ever since.
Then there was Sandy. She is from College Station. Sassy little thing trust me. LOL I met her on a Quilt Shop Bus tour last year where we hit 6 shops in two days in SW Texas. She happened to be sitting behind me when she noticed what I was reading in between shops.... Fifty Shades of Grey. Of course that got a conversation going and a friendship was formed. We email back and forth and she follows my blog.
And there was Donna M. well some of you may recognize her from Donna's Lavender Nest blog. I had never met her in person but knew she was a quilter and lived somewhere not too terribly far from Houston area so asked if she'd like to join us and her answer was Yes. Oh and guess what her favorite color is..... So glad she made it and that I got to know her.
I had invited a wide diverse group of ladies but we all had one thing in common we love the act and art of quilting. I had ladies that I had either known for a long time or for a very short time if at all. Most of them met first time.
We all had a blast! The fabric was flying and the machines were
humming. I was pleased that everyone got along and it was like we all had been long time friends.
Sandy and Pat were the first to finish a quilt top the first day.
We all had a blast! The fabric was flying and the machines were
humming. I was pleased that everyone got along and it was like we all had been long time friends.
Sandy and Pat were the first to finish a quilt top the first day.

So he stayed outside on the porch.

Check on
Here's everyone before we headed home. Thanks Jim for taking the picture for us. You and Margie made our stay awesome.
The retreat was homey and our dinners were very tasty.
Thanks to the girls we had plenty to eat for lunch and Thanks to
We enjoyed ourselves so much that we are going to meet up again in the Spring for another retreat. Plus we added a day. Gives us more time to get into trouble and complete more projects.
And guess how I ended my vacation. Got home just in time to head up to Main Street Crossing in Tomball with David to listen to Max and Heather Stallings. Love listening to Max sing. Heather chimes in with her alto voice and plays a mean fiddle.
Couldn't ask for a better ending.
So until next Blog....“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. ~Linda Grayson
Ah, it looks like you gals had a BALL!! Good times with good friends doing good things!! Loved all the pics!
Wow! What a fun time and such beautiful quilts! I so wish that I had more time for quilting. I've taken a few classes locally and really enjoyed it.
It was awesome and meeting so many creative new people was over the top for me. I love that you named the our little funny. I name all the frogs that hang out on our back porch! I had a great time and am glad you invited me too! Thank you. You are a peach.
You were very brave to organize a quilt retreat. Doing so is always in the back of my mind, but I wouldn't know where to begin!! What a delightful post. ~karen
What a fun thing to do.
Texans must be big on quilting.
I need to do something to get going on quilts, cards, books, any type of crafts. The weather has been so nice that I have only been playing outside.
What fun and how great that you took the bull by the horns and organized the whole event, Nothing better than a weekend with like minded people! And I am with you, I get the biggest kick out of looking at good old fashioned quilts
Hi Carla, the x's on my blog are fairy dust, which activates when you move your cursor.
The signature is an animated signature.
It takes talent to create quilts and your did a great job in the event. Good for you.
I really admire people who can quilt. I can barely hem straight. I guess that's why I find quilts so beautiful, they show so much skills.
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