About 10 days later...and They're out and flying. Had to turn on the ceiling fans to keep them from making a big mess in more places. They were landing on the blades. Sometimes all the babies landed on a different blade.
It's Getting pretty crowded in the nest but all 4 still squeeze in while mom and dad hang out on the edge of the speaker. And yes they have made a major mess and David is not happy but he's just waiting till the day they don't return.
Now here's our newest additions to the Kennedy Bird Habitat. David had been telling about the bird nest in our River Birch tree and the eggs. So last night I decided to go look and take a picture of the turquoise blue eggs with brown speckles. Well there was no eggs but there were 2 baby birds. I had no more put my iphone up to take this shaky picture when my husband says look out................ for momma mockingbird.....aaaaa Too late!
She came out of no where and hit me in the head and of course I screamed. I thought David was going to fall out of the rocking chair laughing. Momma Bird landed just above me and just stared at me. I took a chance and snapped a couple quick and not so clear pictures of her and then high tailed it back to the patio to my rocking chair.
I'm not sure but I thinking she was considering another swoop at my head when I took this picture.
Davids little corner of the patio is blossoming with volunteer coleus and other plants.
Do these mean our yard is healthy or just prone to the little mushrooms? They are plentiful.
Almost all the crepe myrtles are blooming like crazy.
I like how they used this old red tractor to hold their address. Just down the road from our house.
This guy makes me think of a Stephen King movie. Like Children of the Corn or..oh I don't know but I know he smiles as I pass each morning and evening driving to work/home. Creepy!
Oh well Until next blog....“To
live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that’s all” ~ Oscar Wilde
PS....Vicki ---If you're reading....WE MISS YOU!! No one is there to answer questions. Hope you're enjoying your retirement
Wow! Birds, birds, birds.
Oh my! Why do they pick some places, to build nests? Poor guy, he has a messsssssy mess to clean up, on his speaker. -giggggles-
Yikes, glad you got away from Mommmma Bird. They are protective, no matter what.
Oh your cards are precious.
Lots of cute little mushrooms? Why, it means that you have lots of Faeries, living near. Don't Faeries seem to like to dance, near mushrooms? Especially mushroom circles? :-))))
Gentle hugs,
Hi Carla! I love the barn swallows and the photo of the raccoon. Always fun reading your posts and seeing photos around your homestead. Happy Weekend!
Oh, Carla!! What an awesome post!! I love to hear what you guys are doing! Those BIRDS!! I love bird watching but you are taking it to a whole new level!!!
I enjoyed your comments & pictures of the birds. I have a similar problem with a dove that has decided my hose reel is her home for the summer & has so far hatched three sets of two eggs. At first I was so careful not to disturb her that I made the yard men mow a wide circle around the area. After the second poop infested nest (that can not be a healthy environment in which to raise baby birds) I asked them to get rid of the nest and had intended to power wash the hose reel & replace the hose. (I haven't watered anything in my back yard this summer except for what the sprinkler system gets.) Mama dove swoops down at you if you try to turn on the faucet. Did not get it done fast enough. They built a new nest and started immediately on two more eggs. I have a power washing team waiting for my call when these two fly the nest.
Hi Carla, boy, you sure have your share of new babies around. And, that mama is sure protecting her little ones. I guess that's the way of mothers in every specie..Happy Monday..Judy
i'm with you on the creepy scarecrow! eek!
swallows make the BIGGEST mess, but they have some of the cutest kids! :)
thanks for finding my place and leaving a comment! bless you!
Love the quilted cards.
We have a raccoon issue here at the beach of all places. And, they do not scare easily. One night we had 5 climbing the tree outside our bedroom window.
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