Monday, August 19, 2024

What's that old saying. "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard-Shaw

Who plans to stop playing? Not Me! I want to play and keep moving and till I can't.  Life is short and I want to enjoy it as much as I can. So yeah sometimes the body slows down but that's no fun but I'll rest and start again. 

(7/29)Pamela and Kaleb took the boys up to his parents place and they went boating. They had a blast. Silly boy,,,, Braxton closed his eyes and Killian had a shy smile of sorts. 

David went racing and I had some errands to run and Pamela invited me down for lunch. Yum. Can't pass up a lunch from the kid. We went to Blue Bakers on University.. After the lunch the boys wanted to go outside where the fountain and water was. Wouldn't you know it the fountain shut off before we got out there but that's okay we looked at the nasty water and bugs. LOL  It was hot so we didn't stand out there too long. They headed home and I ran my errands and then head back to the farm.
When I got home the pups were happy to see me. They were laying in front of the big fan on the patio but the AC is much better. I went into my sewing room and they joined me. I couldn't move once I sat down. Sadie was right behind my chair and Bruno propped up against my project tote. They were very happy and content to keep me cornered.
I have to share my great niece's first Birthday. She was enjoying her special day and cake. 


She's such a little cutie. She lives in Missouri so they shared her day with me in pictures. I just told her Momma that I hope to get back up that way before the little stinker turns 5. LOL.  Gives some time to plan. She reminds me that they'll be here in January 2025 for Pamela and Kaleb's wedding.
I do believe she had a full day.  Thank you Emily for sharing the pictures and letting me share them on my blog. Hugs

Just ever so often I wake up before the sun is fully up and Sunday (8/4) was one of those days and the sunrise was beautiful.

Monday (8/5) was another Sassy Stitchers Bee. Nancy created a couple of awesome quilts here. Awesome job! 
  I Snapped a picture of Carolyn's scrappy quilt block she was working on.  She's the queen of scrappy quilts.
On August 6th we celebrated my friend Sheryl's birthday. My daughter Pamela joined and our friend Kathy came in from Chapel Hill to have lunch with us.

On Thursday (8/8) it was book club time.  This group always has fun. We tried a new place in Caldwell. Great food but way too noisy to have a discussion. We made it work. Our book for August was Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis. This was not my favorite book but some of the girls liked it. I listened to it on audible. True story of an 18 year old girl leaving her family, friends, boyfriend and comfy life to go to Uganda on a mission. She was supposed to go and come back to go to college but instead she stayed in Uganda to help the children and people there because God told her to. By age 19 she had adopted 6 or 8 little girls. It was an inspiring story of her faith and devotion but there were things about it that bugged me. Okay as I told the girls in our group I'll probably go to hell. Hopefully not but....until I'll enjoy life.

Time to stop for now. I'm playing catch up on emails and blogging. I've been at a quilt retreat for several days. So I'll have plenty to share in my next post.
Until next blog post...Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.


Donna said...

Looks like you had a fun time with friends!
Little Whitney is adorable! Happy Birthday to her!

Anonymous said...

Good times and special memories