Monday, July 15, 2024

Quilts n Puppies

So in 2019 I did a round robin with my friend Margie and 3 other ladies. Each one of us created a center medallion and the other ladies would add a pieced or appliqued border to our quilt. In October I handed off my medallion to the first lady and we would meet again to hand off the quilt tops in our possession to the next lady and as the owner of the top we weren't going to see it until the last border was attached.  Of course when we started this process we never imagined that Covid would deter our process. We got to meet one time to share our progress before we were supposed to abstain from group gatherings.  Instead we met in parking lots with suitcases full of fabric and hand off to the next lady to add a border. Not sure all that makes sense but whatever... hopefully you get an idea on how it worked. In July of 2020 we all masked up and for the first time we all got to see what the ladies in our group added to our center medallion. 
This was the beginning of my Texas Snowman. I know I have pictures with his face, arms, and buttons on his tummy but no clue where.  And the next picture is what I saw at the reveal and the first time I saw my quilt top. That's our sweet Lilley who left us in 2022.
It came out awesome except not big enough for a queen size bed. So that meant I needed to add more borders. Uggh. What to do was the question... and the answer was a border of Piano keys. Oh boy. 
Now they're not hard but they can be boring, tedious and I did need to do some planning so they'd look balanced. Hence the reason I just finished the top in 2024. I procrastinated! LOL  I decided to use red plaid flannel on the back. It just seemed to say Christmas. 
This one was quilted by Jane Plisga from Katy. She did a nice job.  I
t turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself.
I follow a page on FB called "Quilt Retreat Community" and it's where you can ask about quilt retreats in your area or learn of those not in your area but this request caught me off guard....  When I saw it I thought a 420 retreat and then it dawned on me.. I'm not judging.. to each his own. I mean I may drink a glass of wine or two at the retreats but I never thought of someone wanting one that was 420 friendly. Interesting though. I would say look in Colorado.

Monday (7/01) was Sassy Stitchers Bee time. Marilyn finished her panel quilt top. Love the borders and colors.  We also celebrated Coco's birthday with some cake at lunch time.  Yum
Pamela's fellow nursing friend and now PA came up from the Woodlands to visit Pamela in Bryan but Bri was sure she came to visit her. Gotta love the Bri Bri
While watching some TV Sadie and I decided to have some fun with Snapchat. Well I had fun but not so sure Sadie did. Ba Ha Ha It's like what you want Willis? Thennn... She looks lovely with flowing blonde hair with pink accessories.
Okay so we'll tone it down a tad.  She only thought it fair to capture me.. Right
And she was gone. She was done with me putting the phone in her face.  
Went shopping for some tennis shoes with Pamela and Kaleb. It was a fun and entertaining day. Kaleb kept us on our toes. I found me a new pair of Hoka's but the kids kept saying to get a pair of Hey Dudes. I tried a pair on but they didn't fit my foot right but I tried on a pair of Ariat shoes and I love them.  Check them out. They're maroon with chickens on them. Can't believe I bought them but they were on sale and cute.
A couple of years ago I posted on FB market that if you wanted some free crepe myrtles, just bring your shovels and dig them up. I need to do that again but we need to wait until we've had a rain because the ground is as hard as a rock right now. We got rid of probably a 1000 but we still have that many left in the pasture.  
Our place used to be a tree farm. I took pictures the other evening about dusk of the crepes. Many are blooming so you can see the colors. I now know we have several white ones. My pictures didn't come out as good as I had hoped. I'll have to try again. But you get the idea of how many we have. It'll take some work because the roots are big.
I'll end this post with some puppy loves. LOL  Sadie loves to give Bruno kisses and lovies.
Until next post..The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n. John Milton


Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

That quilt is something! Love those Snapchats of Sadie. Hilarious!

Donna said...

Love your quilt projects! Beautiful!
And the love...they are adorable pups!