Something I forgot to share in my last post. A couple of Saturday's ago David and I actually got to spend some quality time together. LOL We went shopping for things that we needed around the farm. Like the cows and Jerry a salt lick and some food. Important things.

And we went to a couple of plant nurseries looking for landscape ideas for trees. Well no shopping experience is complete for David at least, if we don't stop at Home Depot. And it's one of those days where it's nothing
but the best for me. He bought me a new dust mop, mop and a big yellow mop bucket. One that wrings out the wet mop.
I put it all to use the other day and it works pretty darn good. I need to finish the job now. Oh bother.
At least that night he built a fire in the fire pit and enjoyed some adult beverages. Of course mine was wine.

We did decide that the fire pit needs to be moved out from under the lattice work cover. When he first started the fire the flames shot up to the wood. That would not be good to set it on fire. Not good at all.
Made for a very pleasant evening overall if you forget that David bought items that put me to work. LOL
April 29th was a sad day for my Bluebirds. I was in my office working when I kept hearing the birds outside really going crazy. I couldn't imagine what was going on so I stepped out on the porch and the Momma and Daddy bluebirds swooping past the bird house and then
I realized something was at the bird house. I walked closed and I was like "Holy Shit!" No way. This damn snake was hanging out of the birdhouse. NO! It was eating the baby bluebirds. The parents actually sat still on the fence as I walked up to the cage. I think they hoped I could save their babies. I wasn't any help. When I tried to hit the snake with the garden edger it just whipped it's tail inside.
I was so upset that by the time I went back inside my hands were shaking. So I know it's supposed to be a good snake that eats mice, frogs etc but it could have spared my baby bluebirds. Come to find out this weekend there was actually 2 -4' snakes in the birdhouse. They busted the sides out of the house. Imagine our surprise. YIKES
As my friend Sandy tells me "Life can be harsh in the country".
For every 2 dry days we get 3-4 days of excessive rain.
Wish Mother Nature would kind of spread out the rain. I know come July we'll be wishing for some rain but the ground is so saturated that things are started to flood with just a small amount of rain. Then it's not just small amounts of rain.
Welcome May!
This is what it looked like down the road from the house. The pond on the property is over flowing.
And when I left that morning and came home that afternoon this is what our road looked like.
The county had graded and put new gravel on the road and this rain has washed it off into the property next to the road. Plus it's washing the road out period.
Our friends The Jackson came in Saturday morning May 4th and the flow was a trickle that goodness.
We tried to go to the Wing Ding festival in Marquez but the weather kind of detoured people from participating and attending. The area where they sat up last year had standing water. Last year we got to taste some really tasty wings. After that we headed to the
Pony Express Bar & Grill in Hearne for a beer and onion rings. This place has great food.

We get back to the Rock'n K and there's still plenty of day light so we take them on a golf cart ride. I kept waiting for us to get stuck in the mud but we didn't.

Pam was ready if we did... She was the only one that had boots on.
We couldn't believe how much the east end of our road had washed out. Those ruts are deep at the curve and right in front of a neighbors road leading to his house. WOW
As we're talking and tooling down the lane I notice the grapes growing on this vine. Can you see them?

I wanted to share the picture of this cow. I really want a cow like this. It's called a British White. It is so darn cute.

It's all white with maybe some scattered spots of black and then the nose and ears are solid black. She would not look up so I could get a good picture to share but she's still pretty.
As we came back in the driveway Jerry trotted down to greet us at the gate. He's so cute but he's been a brat again. Now he attacked one of the black cows. He got her to lay down by biting at her neck. Jerry better be careful or he'll find himself moving to a new home.

This is our April calf. She's running after he momma. It's still so tiny. I hope it starts putting on some weight soon.
And this is our February and March calves. They hang together all the time. They'll let April curl up next to them most of the time.

And this guy is T-Bone. He's getting big. He came with the original 9 of the herd. Sorry to say he will be T-Bones one day for the freezer. We won't talk about that though. I don't know how my niece did it. She was very active in FFA up in Missouri when she wasn't dancing. Emily raised her calves to have them sold or put in the freezer. She named one Fajita. That one became supper one day.
Daisy got real close to me but wouldn't stop so I could pet her.

She's the one David calls Crazy Bitch because she acts so crazy when he feeds them the Cow Crack (range cubes). This little gal doesn't have a name yet but almost got close enough to pet.
The weekend went to fast! It was time for Pam and Kevin to leave. But before they could leave Pam wanted to feed the cows. She and I had already been feeding Jerry carrots.
This is what happens when the cows see or hear the bucket with the Cow Crack.
Pam wasn't so sure about feeding them when they got closer with those horns but
Sweet T seemed to really like Pam until Pam shoo'd her away. Sweet T is T-Bones momma.
They'll be able come back any time of the week once Pam retires this month.
Lot's of laughter this weekend.
Kevin is one of the Taco Bell Gang. David

and him have been friends since they were kids and worked at Taco Bell together.
They brought us a house warming gift. LOL

A much calmer but more colorful version of Jerry.

This colorful guy joined Donkey on the back porch.
I put out fresh hummingbird juice and before the evening was over I had 3 little cuties zipping in.
I snapped this picture with my phone when I thought I might sit at the table on the porch today but it was cloudy an with the wind blowing it made it a tad to chilly to sit out there. I admit it I'm a wimp. It was a damp chill in the air. I'll have to get my camera ready on a nice day whenever that might happen.
Be sure to wish your favorite nurse(s)
Happy Nurses Week.

My favorite nurse just happens to be my daughter, the one in the middle with her nursing friends and co-horts in crime - Hailey and Samantha.
Well that's it for now.
Until next blog............................