May try to arrange my curio cabinet to put it on top on maybe inside with the rest of my camera collection. May have to move the antique sewing machine.
Eventually I hope to have Family pictures and a few pictures of Friends on the wall but I need to paint the frames I have first. I've edited down all the pictures I used to have down the stairway hall at the other house to a few and plan to add newer pictures to the grouping.. Maybe I'll get that done by next Christmas.
Then we headed off to Sisterdale to the Sister Creek Winery where we bought some wine for me and Pamela. weee weeee weeeeeeee. Down the hill we go.... The Hill Country is so pretty. My picture doesn't do the scenery justice. Of course before buying I had to do a tasting of 4 wines to make sure there wasn't something I might like better.
Next stop The Valencia Hotel. We stayed there last year when all the Bell Gang got together to hang out for a weekend. Very nice hotel but the get away is slightly tainted.... Unfortunately David was feeling slightly under the weather but still wanted to go.
The is a picture just outside our hotel Sunday morning. There's no shops on this end of the river so there's no crowd. From here we went in search of food. Since we slept in but wanted lunch and of all places we ended up at the Hard Rock Cafe. Normally we don't eat at a franchise place but we tend to pick places unique to the area but we decided what the heck. I had their special local burger. It's made with jalapeno cream cheese sauce and a grilled jalapeno on top. Wow and Yum. Depending on the jalapeno it's either warm or really spicy warm and lucky me got the really spicy. A little to much for me so I pulled the jalapeno off so I could eat with out my mouth and stomach being on fire. Overall it was tasty.
For the most part of this trip we stayed in or close to the hotel. Poor David just couldn't muster the energy to walk around much since his cold was getting the better of him which was fine with me. We'd worked so hard prepping for the party that I think we were both pooped. But the party was a success so it was worth it.
On Monday we headed home to prep for Christmas Eve and Christmas. Christmas Eve we go to my parents for a small get together of us and them. Every year Pamela receives the little rainbow doll that her Mimi found on the roadside one day (of course she gave it a good bath first)and somewhere in or on the doll Pamela finds some money usually.
Mimi and Poppy also found
her an Aggie Picture Frame that was really cute and Pamela loved it!
And every year David sits on the same end of the couch and I think I capture him in the same position for every picture.
We began Christmas morning with Pamela in her new Christmas PJ's.
Little Miss Sophie checked out the gifts one by one.
We hosted the family Christmas dinner this year. I cooked the usual turkey, ham, dressing, broccoli cheese n rice and 2 lemon ice box pies. Thelma (David's mom)started a tradition of making lemon ice box pies and a hard fudge. Well I was able to replicate the pies but not the fudge. None of us learned how and we never found a recipe. My sister in laws Lynn, Glenda and my mom brought other sides and desserts to share. Everything was so Tasty good!!. We were not in short supply of food that's for sure.
After dinner the kids opened their presents and we all sat around talking and laughing. Someone was always giving someone else a bad time.
This is David's Sister Glenda and her youngest son Kevin.
The oldest one Phillip didn't join us this year. Hopefully next year.
Pamela thought it only fair that she took a close up of me. I got so busy that I never put on makeup that morning. Oh well.
Well here's hoping that you're stockings were filled with joy and the spirit of the season and that your hearts are filled with love and glad tidings.
Hope you were able to spend time with Friends and Family and create memories to reflect upon next year. Hugs everyone.