Sunday, August 18, 2019

New Beginnings, Old Friends & Gardening

On August 3rd Pamela and I drove into Houston for a special event. My GodChild Michelle's Bridal Shower. We were happy to be included in the celebration. Michelle was radiate. Can't wait to see her on her wedding day. She was all smiles that day. Standing with her is her Aunt Rebecca, her Abue (grandmother) and her Mom Gigi. Beautiful family for sure.

This is a picture of her with her Aunt Lisa and Aunt Robyn.

Her Aunt Lisa told Pamela to jump in the picture because she was like part of the family.
Lisa is surrounded by her beautiful nieces.

And a picture of Michelle and her Mom Gigi

Then a picture of me and Robyn. Michelle's Mom and her Aunt Robyn and I ran around together when in college and we all first met. We even took trips together along with the men in our life. We always had fun and created a lot of fond memories. It had been a while since we'd seen each other.

The young lady in the picture with Pamela and Michelle is Michelle's little brother's girlfriend, Erica. We were giving her a bad time that no one realized Nicholas had a girlfriend. She was a sweetheart.
It was a pleasant afternoon see the family and wishing Michelle the best.

David built 2 raised garden beds. Of which caused him some injuries when he tried to drag them by himself and fell. Messed up his shoulder and aggravated his back that already had problems. This man is determined to get things done even if it kills him.
He even planted veggies in them. The yellow squash gave us these pretty flowers and today I picked our first baby squash. They were very tasty.
It was a late garden but the tomatoes are growing almost faster than we can eat them.  They're starting slow down a little. OH NO... How can we go back to eating store bought tomatoes. The fresh tomatoes have the best flavor ever! Our baby squash. More are forming. Might be able to pick more by Saturday or Sunday.

David also planted some pickling cucumbers. Some are really big. I picked some last week and they taste good just sliced up. I'm gonna have to go find a pickling recipe.  If anyone has a good one send it to me.

David also planted yellow, green, red and purple bell peppers. We're new at this gardening thing and most of our produce is small but its edible. 
We didn't get to eat any green beans. We have a rabbit that I call... what else Peter Cottontail. He comes every morning to check out the garden he ate all the beans and in the last 2-3 weeks he ate the leaves of the plant. Oh well.

Then there is the Okra. We had no clue when to pick. Well let me tell you.... You pick them when they are 2-3" inches long. If they crunch when you squeeze or try put your nail through them or there's resistance it's too late. By the time they're 4" long you can barely get a knife through them. Some that were longer needed a chainsaw.  We had no clue. We thought the longer the better. NOPE not so much. The cows have a surprise in their feeding trough.
They have beautiful flower before they become the vegetable. I was able to pick enough tonight to add to my vegetable medley I made for dinner. I used squash, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, Anaheim pepper, onion, Okra and some cut up tomatoes. I added the tomatoes in at the last 5 minutes. I used Adams House seasoning and a wine and garlic seasoning also by Adams. So tasty.
Wow I'm finally catching up with my postings. YAY

But I need to transfer the pictures off my phone so I guess this will be a good stopping point.

Until next blog post....“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm catching up with you! Yeah, okra is a fun vegetable but the time to pick is crucial. We made picked okra and a couple of jars of dill pickled okra. Really good. The only way Louis DEan likes it is fried and we don't do that well but his son does! Love fried okra and can eat it like popcorn!