Thursday, July 25, 2024

Books and Wine! And continued Puppy entertainment

Let me start by saying Thank you to my Anonymous commenters. Since I can't reply back to y'all directly this is the best I can do. So Thank you very much for following along and the sweet comments and compliments.  FYI if you'll put your name at the end of the comment and I know you personally then I can find you and reply directly. Hugs

And thanks to all others who leave me sweet comments in case I haven't replied back to you directly. 

Now let's see what I can come up with on this post to bore I mean entertain you with. 

It's book club time. Thursday July 11th we met up at Texas Seafood and Steak for our discussion on latest reading... Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven. Talk about a crazy book where fun is guaranteed.  Well not so much when a hurricane slams into the eastside of Florida and the 326 employee's that stuck around to hold the fort down were left to their own devices for over 30 days.  The first time I read this book a real hurricane really did slam into the eastside of Florida. This book is all fiction but the audible and the way it reads you think it's a true story.  The park asked for volunteers to stay at the park with pay to keep people raiders out after the storm. Little did they (Fantasticland) expect what actually happened. Great read/listen. We met at one of our favorite places in Caldwell where everyone gets a range of choices to make them happy and service is always good....  First the good picture. Sorta. We weren't all ready.

 While service was good I had to laugh at the pictures taken by our wait staff..... this is just one.  The others were similar or the heads were chopped off of the 2 standing.  LOL

At least we got a pictures of all of us. We're missing 5 members that night but life does happen and we can't all make it out. It's a great group of ladies and we do have fun!

 So my adopted niece(kinda, long story) Hannah came in from Missouri on Thursday (7/11). Pamela had to pick Hannah up at the airport in Austin and it ended up Kaleb was having to travel out of town for

work so Pamela dropped our granddog Bri off at the house so Bri wouldn't starve and get no loves. Pamela was staying the night in Austin so someone needed to care for baby Bri, Right?  Sadie, Bri and Bruno staring at me wanting me to give them a snack.  They are sooooo spoiled.
Friday and Saturday the kids hung out in town and Kaleb found out he couldn't out drink Hannah. She broke him but they had lots of fun.

I got to meet up with them on Sunday at the Busted Oak Cellars in Carmine. Aww the link tab is working again. I haven't been able to add a link to places I've visited or talked about lately.   Nice place and some tasty wines. I only did a tasting while there. It was good getting to see and visit with Hannah.
There's that one in every bunch.  Kaleb...  I don't catch it until after we've split up and headed our separate directions. He's ornery for sure but you gotta love him. And we do!
My little couple to be... Nuptials will be here before we know it.  

Wedding Planning is coming together. I can't thank Rochelle Delong with Social Spree Events enough. She has really come through with her research, calls, planning, advice and bookings. She's not in Texas but that doesn't stop her. She can do the job! Maybe she'll move back to Texas one day.
And I shall end this post with the latest antics of the overgrown lap dogs...
Bruno is in David's lap 98% of the time if David sits in the recliner but tonight David got a surprise.... Sadie decided she would join Bruno..  
I guess she thought she wanted Bruno to share the attention and comfy spot on the furless Dad. It's only fair, Right?  LOL
Until the next blog...When you sell a man a book you don't sell just twelve ounces of paper and the ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humor and ships at sea by night - there's all heaven and earth in a good book."   ~Christopher Morley

1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like you all had a fun time! And I'm loving the furrbabies!