Well I got an email from a friend telling this story. Now I thought it was a joke but was informed "Nope that was my morning"
I will protect the innocent by removing the name mentioned and won't reveal my friends name.... Could I use this as blackmail? mmm
Here's the email
The only bright side is that I had decided last night not to take a stool softener and promised myself to just get back to drink lots of water today!!!!OH MY GOD!!!! Was up a 6, made some tea and went out to get my papers and relax. Someone stole both of my newspapers...ok I will just watch the news and drink my tea (since this is the first day in a week I don't have to be up and be someplace early) I can not get the front door open to get back in the house!!! Neighbor across the street gave back key since they moved. Ones next door don't have one. Here I am in my night gown looking up and down the street and the only person I see is a new neighbor I had not met yet. So I am chasing him down his driveway to see if I can use his phone to call husband who is out of town until Friday. He has met husband but not me (the crazy lady in her night gown) I wanted the code to the big truck to see if I could just use the garage door opener that is built into the truck...NOPE too far to get a signal. So I go over to the neighbors who bought our other truck ...which was also programmed with the code to open the garage door. Drive the truck over here...Nope husband had taken the code out when he sold it. Take the truck back to neighbors and she calls her locksmith that works on her houses. So I walk back to my house (mind you still in my night gown/ no underwear/sunny about 90 degrees and about 100% humidity/you get the picture!!) Then I realize I had forgotten my pedometer in the cup holder (didn't want to look stupid ??? With my pedometer clipped to the outside of my nightgown (since no underwear) SO I had to walk back over to the neighbors to get back into the truck to retrieve the pedometer since he was about to be leaving for work and I would have lost a whole day of steps!!!!! Almost as bad as being locked out of the house!!!!! So walk back to the house to wait on locksmith. What a picture...90 degrees, 100% humidity, night gown stuck to my body, no underwear, sweat rolling down my back and pouring out of my belly button and a cute locksmith shows up and he can't get the door open either! We go around the house to the back porch to see if he could get in that way. NOPE double bolted and the 2 kitties were no help couldn't reach up and open (or were laughing at us and saying No Way!) back to the front door. It turned out the latch on the handle was just so dry it was just not moving so he shot all kinds of stuff in there and was finally able to get it open. $70 and 2 hours later I am in the house drinking my now ice tea!!
I will protect the innocent and not give away the name of the victim. Gotta love her and her predicament. It still makes me laugh.Have a great day!
So one of the reasons I started blogging was because my friend Linda from Linda's Life Journal encouraged me. Her daughter Amber the mother of quads started when she went across the pond and wrote of her adventures and then she blogged about her pregnancy with quads and now about their life being parents of quads. I watch those 4 little Babies grow up every time she or Linda blog.
When I shared the above story with a co-worker she asked if my friend blogged too because she could with stories like that. So see MY Crazy FRIEND you should be blogging and you could share your quilting too.
Okay we're still on a mission to find the right property with or without a house. I almost thought I was going to be announcing we had found a piece of property but nope. Several people guessed/asked if we'd found a piece of property and if that was my secret.
David thought he had found THE property. He was all excited and was almost ready to buy it sight unseen except for the pictures posted on the listing. He found it at like 3:30pm and by 5:30am it showed unavailable. WOW must have been good. So that won't be my secret to share. Not yet any way.
Okay so my secret is exciting to us and was a big decision. Dexter now has friend. Not sure how excited he is. He checked her out but he's like big whoop and went over and curled up on he pillow. LOL
He will be 18 years old this Halloween.
Meet Lilley
She is a Sheltie
4 1/2 years old.
Her birthday is March 4. A day before mine so I guess us girls meaning me, Pamela and Lilley will celebrate our birthdays together. LOL
How could I turn that pretty face away:
Sophie thinks she is queen bee and drives Dexter crazy when she's home to visit. She's very rambunctious but ever so lovable. Aren't they all
Lilley is more calm and reserved right now. After she gets acquainted things could change but I'm not sure. Lilley is standing and Sophie is the one laying down.
If you're wondering if it was like a big reunion between mother and daughter ..... it wasn't.

Hopefully I can catch a picture of all three of our babies together o Sophies next visit home.
Okay so you got a funny and you found out the big news.
So until Next Blog...“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snow flake”
- M.B. Ray
Oh, Carla!!!!! You just MADE my morning!!! That was just hilarious!
I was just wondering whether y'all had found something yet!!
Your secret is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I tried not to laugh since you said all this really happened, but it was too funny. I'm sure she laughed after the fact.
When you described the meeting of Lilley and her Mom Sophie....all I could see was me and my Mom....same kind of relationship....LOL.
Have a great day and that's for the laughs!
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