Friday, June 28, 2024

Triple F.... Friends, Family, and Fun

  On Thursday (6/6) Kelli and I tried out a new spot in Cameron called ZX. They have lots of wine and a limited menu right now. We had lunch and a glass of wine. Very enjoyable. I had a chicken pasta salad (no lettuce) and Kelli had a turkey wrap. Can't wait to see what else they'll have when the are fully open on 6/15/2024.

Friday (6/7) Pamela and I went to shop for linen rentals. So many choices. Yikes but seeing it in person made the choosing a lot easier. So many ideas too.
All that decision making made us hungry so I chose Classic Rock Kitchen and Coffee Shop in Navasota to grab a bit. Wasn't sorry. Food was good. Pamela got a Strawberry pecan salad and I got a club sandwich.

I finally completed my On Point quilt. It came out cute and the quilting by Donna's Lavender Next made the quilt. Perfect little girl quilt with hearts and bows. It's for sale. I need measure it but it's about 52x 65 maybe. Right now it's on consignment or I'd measure it now.   And it's backing is soft cuddly minky. If you're interested in buying let me know.
While I was out taking pictures I got sidetracked with other sightings. Like flowers, butterflies, honey bee and the big long horn.
Saturday we had company. Kaleb, Pamela, Killian and Braxton came up for an early Father's Day celebration. They came up for lunch and stayed until after dinner. They brought the boys jammies so they could get a bath here and be ready for bed when they got back home.  The boys are all about Gpa when they're here. In fact they were taking turns sitting with him.  Cici (me) isn't as entertaining as Gpa. LOL
So one of the girls I quilt with won a retreat for 6 at a two day Sewcial. And she invited those of us who were there to join her. It was great. It's a true farmhouse in the country that a lady named Dinah fixed up for quilt retreats.  We were there for two nights (6-10 thru 12) and we had to cook for ourselves which wasn't bad since there was only 6 of us.  Here's Dinah's Farmhouse Retreat
It wasn't fancy but quite comfy and the owner is really nice. It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath.
This is one of the bedrooms.  Each one has a different theme.
And these guys were our neighbors.  The owner Dinah and her husband run a working ranch.

And here's a few of the projects people were working on. This quilt was by Ellen. She had almost finished it by the time we left.
 And this is Vicki working on her applique. Vicki is my friend who won a couple of free nights at the retreat. It was so sweet of her to invite me. I truly enjoyed.              And this is a birthday card I made for Pamela's future mother in law. 
I also worked on sewing the binding on a couple of quilts and made my first wonky star block. 
Only 19 more to go for a swap.
 And do you see all those tiny pieces that Donna Marie has cut and those left to cut below.... Well when she puts them together they make the pattern next to it.

LOL... Oh my goodness. Cynthia England didn't like to piece but she enjoyed making little pieces and turning them into works of art.  This one takes patience.
On Saturday (6/15) Kaleb, Pamela and the Twins came up to celebrate Father's Day with us. The first thing the boys wanted to do was go feed Jerry carrots with Gpa. Jerry was being a bit standoffish that day. 

and of course they thought they wanted to go fishing. Even the fish thought it was too hot to bite.
On Father's day I was going to take David out to eat but we went to the Rising Sun Winery for our wine pick up and had taco's for free. Yum. Had some wine while there and listened to some good music by the Phil Hurley Trio.Phil Hurley Trio.  
I created the perfect coffee cup for David. Him and his little 80# lap buddies. He loved it.  LOL
A good friend of Pamela from HS, Cole and his wife Beth just had a sweet baby girl. With Pamela's help we picked out the fabric and a pattern and I made Baby Girl Parker a quilt.  Dad and Mom loved it.  Pamela gave it to them just hours before she arrived.
My friend Donna @ Donna's Lavender Nest did the quilting. I guess I better stop for now.
Until next post... Memories are stitched with love. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

What's Happening? Visits, family, Wine, Friends and Family

I was in Bryan running errands with Pamela and as we pulled in her driveway we saw these little guys coming down the sidewalk. They weren't that close to the pond that was located at the back of the subdivision. LOL. Obviously they walked to walk around the neighborhood
I had to share this sweet picture. My sister Jerri Lynn and her daughter Emily started taking a mother daughter trip a couple years ago to the beach to create everlasting memories. Well this year they added the little cutie, my great niece in the middle, Whitney Rose. She has decided she likes the beach too..  I just realized this little darling will be turning 1 in less than 60 days. Where has the time gone.  Three Generations.

And while sharing I'll share a picture of my great nephew and niece from Houston. Patrick and Penny Kay. A couple more cuties. My niece Jessica shared this picture with me recently.
All the Bluebonnets and the Indian paintbrushes are long gone now but  the Indian Blankets and the Black eyed Susans are out in abundance along the roads and in the pastures. They're so pretty but apparently not tasty to the cows and donkey. The don't eat them.
One of our last cool evenings in May we sat out on the front porch and had happy hour. Pam made sure when she bought my sippy cup that everyone knew I had a friend named Pam. LOL And I just realized David was drinking out of my Aggie Mom glass. We need to get him one that says Aggie Dad.  We haven't been out on the porch with the heat, flies and mosquitos. Well he sits out there for a bit every morning while Bruno and Sadie have their breakfast and if I'm up I'll sit out there too. Mornings aren't too bad yet.
On Friday (5/31) I met up with my friend and quilter Donna Lynn to have lunch and hand off two quilts and a couple other projects that I needed quilted. We met in Sealy at a place called Wolf Pack Bar & Grill. We shared the catfish plate. Pretty tasty and perfect portion for us to share. After eating we went around the corner to the quilt store called the Wooden Spool.  Go figure! Us going to a quilt store. LOL
The weather was acting like it was going to storm again so after getting our fabric fix and talking with the shop owner we headed our separate directions. Since I had to go through Bellville I decided to stop at the quilt shop there that I had been told about called The Quilting Post. Small but cute shop and the owner Debbie is super nice. I got to talking with her and she mentioned she used to own a shop in Conroe and I'm thinking wait a minute I know this woman and that shop. LOL She used to own Quilter's Quarters on 105 in Conroe. I used to go there when I'd visit my Mom. We had a great talk about the shop, quilt retreats, of course quilts and fabric. It was a fun day.
The Twins played some T-Ball and Pamela sent me their pictures from the end of season. Braxton is on the left and Killian on the right. They're so cute and full of energy.  Do you remember having as much energy as a 4 year old? Not sure I do. LOL

A new restaurant in Calvert opened up so David and I had a date night and went to eat. It's called 1868 Landmark. I had a crawfish pasta dish and David had I think chicken fried steak. So I don't have a picture of the food to share but I'd be willing to go back and try something else. They're brand new and working out the menu and cooks but it's worth another try. After dinner we went down the block to En Gedi Winery and had a glass of wine. It was a great date night.
It was time for Bee with the Sassy Stitchers on Monday June 3rd. Everyone works on their own projects but a majority of the girls were working their wonky star blocks. Whoever participates has to make 20 blocks. I went ahead and threw my name into the mix and now 
I'm working on wonky star blocks. Everyone is making a different color with white being the common color. You make 10 with the white being the background and 10 with your color choice as the background.  This is my color. A couple other girls are doing something with black so I thought this would coordinate because most went with a bright or medium color.  Here's some examples of what others are doing.

When everyone has their 20 completed we'll do a swap.  Should make for an interest quilt top.
Brenda is working on this panel top. I love how she did her border and when I saw her last week she found another matching fabric to add another border to make the top bigger. That took a lot of piecimg to make the border she's got done so far.
On Wednesday (6/5) David goes let's go grab a bit of lunch and off we went to Dales Essenhaus in Wahlberg.
I got to get my favorite chicken and dumplings. From there we stop at an antique store but walked out empty handed and money still in our pocket. Coming home we stopped to get a picture of David in front of Bud Adams Ranch sign. Yes Bud Adams, former co-founder of the Houston Oilers. He eventually moved the league moved to the Tennessee  to become the Tennessee Titians. And that's when we got the Houston Texans. David had been telling his buddies in Houston about finding the ranch so a picture was required.  I think got the facts right.
 Oh and I did finish both baby quilt tops and got them to the quilter that I mentioned in my last post. I now have them back and getting ready to put the binding on so Pamela can get them to the intended recipients. Once she does that I can post pictures of them.
Well that's it for this post.  
Until next post...Behind every quilter is a huge pile of fabric

Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy Graduation Class of 2024 and a few Sassy Stitchers

Meet Moe.  He was my youngest nephew's constant companion. He graduated Preschool with him and

his Mom pulled him out of hiding so Moe could graduate High School with Josiah on May 17..  This guy has been everywhere. Mmmm where will he go now. Congratulations to Josiah and best wishes in the next chapter of his life. 
Josiah's was the youngest nephew and the last one to graduate. Now to wait for the great nieces and nephews to graduate.  Thank goodness I have a few years before that starts happening. 
On Saturday May 18th David and I drove in to Katy to celebrate another graduate, Jackson Sperry. His dad used to work with David. We had to drive down The Grand Parkway and we saw the wind damage to the power line towers.  How can the wind twist those towers like that? But obviously it happened.  A lot of the Houston area was without power but The Sperry's had power in Katy so the party was on. One graduate and 3 more to go..  We had a good time visiting and the food truck had some really good tacos and the mariachi band was good too.

The coming home on Hwy 6 I captured the flooding from the Navasota River. It's crazy. The second picture is someone's property. That should be dry land. Sorry the pictures were taken while David was driving 75mph.

On Monday (5/20) it was time for the Sassy Stitchers Bee. Some of these ladies were overachievers I tell you.  Connie completed a pretty bargello quilt.  I want to do one, one day.  Love the colors. 

And a couple other ladies are still working on their mug rugs. It's a quilted coaster to hold a snack and a drink.

Cordelia is working on her wonky star block for a future swap. I might try to do the swap but not sure yet..   

And my fellow book clubber and now quilty friend  
Debra is working on embellishing her quilt blocks for her grandson.
Now check out this adorable pillow Nancy made but what was so amazing is that she made her seams match. You can see them. Holy cow!

This one is called a one block wonder or a stack n whack. The fabric did look like poinsettias. This belongs to Brenda. She cut a piece of fabric up into strips then cut again and then sewed them all back together to look totally different.  So pretty!  

All the while I sat at my spot and cut out two quilt tops to get sewn together in the next 3 days.... Did I do it?  mmmm Stay tuned for the next blog post....

Until Next Blog Post..Knock, knock. / Who’s there? / Yah! / Yah who? / Ride ’em, cowboy!  Anonymous