Wednesday, March 12, 2025

February has Flown By.....

This month is flying by. I can't believe that this is my 14th year of blogging.  I started on February 27, 2011 thanks to the encouragement from my friend Linda over at Linda's Life Journal. We met at a crawfish boil many years ago. Her son in law worked with my husband and we've stayed friends ever since. We don't see each other much but we know we're there.  
I want to say Thank you to some of my anonymous commenters for their kind words. Unfortunately I can't reply back to you directly because you're anonymous. LOL

Unknown commented on "The Big Day has Arrived! Get us to the Chapel/Venue on time"

Feb 20, 2025 We had such a nice time. It was beautiful   So Glad you had a nice time. The start was a tad chilly but once inside we could get warm and have fun.  Thank you for coming and now for following along on my crazy adventures.

Unknown commented on "The Big Day has Arrived! Get us to the Chapel/Venue on time"

Feb 20, 2025 ❤️❤️❤️❤️    Thank you for all the hearts. It was a lot of planning but totally worth it.  Thanks for following along.

Unknown commented on "The Big Day has Arrived! Get us to the Chapel/Venue on time"

Feb 19, 2025  Everything looks fabulous ! It good to see everyone having so much pre wedding fun!    Thanks to our wedding day of coordinator it was stress free and my & Pamela's many friends that helped

Unknown commented on "It's Time to get this show on !"

Feb 27, 2025 33 mins ago  I did not realize the wedding was outside poor everyone but it was beautiful      Everyone sucked it up and hung with us. It was definitely nice to get inside and get warm.  Thanks for following along and your comment.

Unknown commented on "It's Time to get this show on !"

Mar 3, 2025  Great pictures and commentary.!  Thank you for stopping by. and the compliments.

Unknown commented on "It's All Over and We're on Veg Mode"

8 hours ago  I want to see wedding pics where can I go to do that?  Thank you for stopping by. I've posted several pictures in the past couple posts. I'll be sharing some more from the photographer soon.  I wish I knew who is commenting so I reply back to you directly.

Unknown commented on "It's Time to get this show on !"

Feb 27, 2025  What great pictures! And Pam made such a beautiful bride! My congratulations to you all!!!  The family and friends who shared their photos did a great job..  I hope to share a few from the photographer soon.  Well of course I'm biased and I thought Pamela was beautiful. LOL  Thank you for following along.

  I appreciate all the folks who comment and follow along.💜 

Onwards and forward

Our Book Club meet on Thursday 2/13 at Texas Seafood & Steak House to discuss the book Kelli (my coheart in crime) chose called The Night we Lost Him by Laura Dave. It was a good book and we all really liked it. In the very beginning you learn that Liam falls to his death but was it an accident, suicide or did someone push him. As the reader we know that answer right off but not who. That's where his son Sam and his daughter Nora, each from a different Mother, reconnect and start investigating. Liam had secrets that they never knew and the one person who did know didn't share. That person let Sam and Nora put it together slowly on their own because it wasn't his story to tell. Of course there was lots of chatter and laughter during the meeting and There always is with this group..

Valentines Day my Honey took me out for lunch to Oscar Store in Temple area. We haven't had a bad meal there. They had a steak special and we also got a dessert. 
I took half my meal home for another meal and I ate a few bites 
of the dessert and so did David and the rest we took home to share sometime later. It was called a German Chocolate Cheesecake. Rich but really good.
When we got home I saw another new calf. It had just been born. We're naming this one Cupid. LOL Baby calves are so cute and entertaining. They just take off running and kicking and then the Momma Cow is chasing it down. Forest Gump is laying in what's left of the hay bail in the background. He was the one born on the 1/29. He's waiting on his new friend to get it's land legs so they can play and stress their Momma's out. LOL

Saturday (2/15) David was going to drive up to Hillsboro for a motorcycle helmet for racing and I said I'd ride with him. And then he surprised me and took me to Italy. Can you believe it?  Well don't. LOL. I mean he took me to Italy. Italy, Texas that is. We came back from Hillsboro a different way to see what Italy was like. The town was pretty quiet. And like most small towns in Texas it did have a Mexican food restaurant. One can never have too many of those. 

Maybe he'll take me to Paris or Athens next. We've been to Palestine many times. You can travel the world and never leave Texas. LOL
I was playing with snapchat one morning while drinking my coffee and listening to the weather. David used to think I had all these props and costumes to make these photos. I had to explain to him about snapchat and their apps.
My friend Donna Lynn aka Donna Lavender (because she loves purple.) called and asked if I'd like to come hang out with her and sew while her husband went deer hunting and I said sure. So on Thursday 2/20 I loaded up my car
with overnight bag and sewing supplies. 
We sewed our hearts out and loved on her puppies Dixie and Dollie. It took them a few days to get used to this stranger being in their home. I was able to get two quilt tops cut out and sewn together and left them for her to quilt.   Notice the wall, desk, machine, and shirt color.  This is why she's called Donna Lavender.   
When we went out to eat one night she stopped and got us some Buffalo Trace Cream Bourbon. I'd been telling her about Cream Bourbon so she stopped to get some.  I can only drink one glass but it's sooo good.  We had a lot of fun and got a lot done.
David sent me a picture of Bruno being all tired. David's back was hurting so he spent some time in the recliner with a heating pad and Bruno made sure he didn't move..  Bruno loves laying in David's lap.
Sadie girl had her 5th birthday on Friday 2/28. She's been such a good girl and she's smart.
And that's how February went and ended. Hope everyone had a good month.  It's time for a few birthday shenanigan's from Pamela and I..
Till next blog..1.    “Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.”~Chili Davis

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

It's All Over and We're on Veg Mode

 We finished cleaning up the wedding venue, packed and pulled out for home at 11:20pm. You know how it is when you're on an adrenaline rush and then you crash? That's what it felt like driving away from the venue. I was happy and then almost sad thinking 'oh shit' my daughter is married. Why that came to mind no clue seeing how these two had been living together for over a year but now they're stuck with each other. LOL They'll fuss and fight like the rest of us, make up and repeat.   

Sorry had to throw in another picture from the wedding. 

Right before we pulled out someone from the venue came up to me and said what about these metal vases down at the seating area.  What?! Oh crap.  And I laughed because those were supposed to haven been brought inside and set up in front of the sweetheart table and somewhere else.  Too late now. I texted Karina to let her know I had 6 more vases that needed to be dropped off at the florist. I was just pulling into Navasota and she came back to say she lived just down the road and to bring them on by. What a life saver! I was thinking I was gonna have to drive into Anderson Monday to get them returned but instead I was able to drop them at Karina's and she would drop them off with everything else. Her sweet husband came and got them out of the car. David and Sheryl were in David's car following me.  Okay now we could head home.  We made it by 1 am and left everything in the car and went to bed.

Sunday (1/19) we woke up and just vegged for a while, then Sheryl helped us unload the cars. Then she headed on down the road to her home. David needed to return the tuxes and his suit so we headed into Bryan. We also took in all the wedding presents to drop off at Kaleb and Pamela's house. While driving in I got a call from the Venue and somehow the Marriage License got left behind. Still not sure how that happened. So David and I said we'd be there in a couple hours. The Newlyweds called and I told them about the Marriage License and they said they'd go get it.  

Yay! saved us a trip. Now I think I brushed my teeth that morning but not sure since I obviously didn't get my face washed completely. The eyes are still made up.  I probably looked like the happy hooker so made up. Okay so maybe not that bad but hair was still 90% up too.  Couldn't wait to get home and shower. But we took care of our errands.
Pamela sent a few pictures back to me while they were honeymooning in Mexico. It was a little chilly the first couple of days and cloudy.  It was funny today talking with a friend when about Pamela and Kaleb... I go my daughter's husband. Oh Wow! That was so crazy saying that.  She has a husband. LOL
Since weather wasn't cooperating she did some painting and made herself a spoon rest and then she made me one with hot pink. It's already by the stove top. Nice job!
They joined a couple of their friends (Phil & Hannah) already in Mexico and in a couple days 2 more friends were going to join them for some fun in the sun. finally.
While they were off having fun David and I recovered. We haven't really felt like doing much of anything. I didn't touch my sewing but I did get going on organizing my quilt retreat coming up in March. Other than that we both primarily 
just vegged out. LOL
While in Mexico Pamela became a photographer. She did a good job. Hannah is pregnant and wanted some pictures taken. Couldn't ask for a more beautiful back drop. Hannah had the poses and all Pamela had to do is snap away.  Nice job ladies and Phil Too.

We watched the grand pup Bri while the newlyweds were gone. We took her home Wednesday 1/29 on the way into Bryan for my heart cath. Bri was one tired dog. Even Bruno and Sadie were tired. Once they stopped they all just slept away. Bri is usually antsy in the backseat but she just laid down and was calm all the way in.
And Yeah, I said I was going in for a heart cath. Back on New Years Eve I had done the nuclear stress test and it showed a couple questionable areas so the doctor said lets make sure it's nothing and YAHOO it was nothing. For now I have an all clear should I need any surgeries which I don't, thank goodness.
We didn't get home until almost 3pm. A whole day gone. As we pulled into the driveway I looked over and saw our first calf of 2025. It was born not long before we arrived. The little thing is still wet. 
Not sure but we think it's a boy. So I said we should name it Angelo playing since I had an Angiogram....
A couple days later I tried to get a picture of it running and playing. This little guy is very active and Momma is always running after it trying to keep it away from the rest. She's protective. Instead it tried to hide behind a dormant crepe myrtle.  It's like "Gee Mom do you think they can see me behind this bush?"  LOL. Momma says: Yes dear I think they can. David thinks maybe we should name him Forest Gump since he likes to run so much.
Now Jerry didn't want the new calf to get all the attention so he came up for his share. It was time for his photo opt.
While I don't have any surgeries planned, the new bride did. On Wednesday 2/5 Pamela had to have her gallbladder out.  She'd been having some issues and they said it needed to come out. That was her first surgery ever and she wasn't impressed. Who is?  She's finally starting to feel normal again. I'm sure Kaleb is happy for that too.
Well that's it for now. 
Until next post..."Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier." ~ Kathleen Norris

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

It's Time to get this show on !

 The day was beautiful just windy and cold. Everyone sucked it up until we could get inside where it was warm. The girls especially. The guys had jackets on.  Except for poor Sarah, Kaleb's sister who stood on his side. She sucked it up like the rest of the girls.

Some good looking guys here.

The officiants, my nephew Zachariah and my sister Barbara are here from Missouri so they are used to cold weather. Now they got a taste of our Texas weather. Pamela & Kaleb couldn't choose just one of them so we decided they could share the responsibility of marrying Kaleb and Pamela.  
Even Kate sucked it up walking down that aisle but trust me as soon as she got to the front she found her Mom and got wrapped up in a warm jacket.  And now.... Here comes the Bride
Kaleb was having a hard time seeing his bride coming down the aisle.  The sun was super bright and blinding. And if you're wondering yes the girls are lined up on the right. This way the wind was blowing in their face and not blowing their hair into the face from behind them.  
After vows, a Margarita shot instead on the lighting of a unity candle or many other wedding traditions, Zachariah and Barbara pronounced them Husband and Wife.

Here's Pamela's veil as a testament to the wind.
Barbara showing off the banner Pamela had made for the wedding.  She got the idea from Momma Sheryl's son and daughter in laws wedding back in October. Thanks Aaron and Kindra.

My sister in law Cresia was sporting her Chiefs shirt underneath her sweater. 

She's a mess but she had fun with Pamela's new father in law Kevin and Kaleb's grandpa Jim, showing off her support of the Chiefs. Cresia doesn't meet a stranger. Love her for that.

And Here's Mr and Mrs Green! Their first dance, Dad and Bride then Kaleb and his Mom share their first dance.

David made it through his speech.
He was pretty nervous but he did great!

So did the Matron of Honor, Maid of Honor, and the Best Man. Their speeches were sweet, sentimental and funny. 
I had to laugh when I saw this picture. My great niece Whitney's bow covered her Momma's whole face.  
I missed the bouquet and garter toss. No clue where I was. Then I even missed the cake cutting. Thank goodness for all the pictures our friends and family shared. Can't wait to see what our photographer Rachel caught.
I could keep sharing pictures of family and friends but I don't want to drown you in my now fond memories of that day. 

I can't thank those friends and family enough for sharing their time and love. And Pictures with me. Some traveled from other states some came from just down the road but it meant a lot to all of us. I can't even tell you who I did or didn't see or talk to and I know there were a few.  
Today is Kaleb and Pamela's one Month anniversary of married life. And I wish them many many more years. It doesn't seem like it's been a month already.

Well that's it for this post.
Until the post...“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” David Viscott